3 Conditions That Can Cause Denture Pain

While it is considered normal to experience minor discomfort when wearing new dentures, persistent, long-term pain needs to be evaluated by your dentist. In most cases, mild denture pain will resolve after the individual gets used to wearing them. If you experience pain while wearing your dentures that fails to improve after a few days, one or more of the following medical conditions may be to blame:


Osteoarthritis not only causes pain and inflammation in the spine, hips, knees, and hands, it can also lead to moderate jaw pain. Because of this, you may experience upper and lower jaw pain while wearing your dentures. Taking an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication such as ibuprofen may help ease your symptoms; however, you should consider seeing your physician for a complete examination to rule out other inflammatory disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis or autoimmune diseases.

Sinus Infections

Chronic sinus drainage can cause inflammation of your gums, especially your upper gums. In addition to swelling, sinus infections can also cause jaw and ear pain, making it uncomfortable to wear your dentures. If your doctor determines that your infection is bacterial in nature, you may need to take antibiotics. If, however, your sinus infection is related to a virus, antibiotics will do little to improve your symptoms. Once your infection clears, the pain and inflammation in your gums will also resolve.


People with diabetes who wear dentures may be at a heightened risk for oral candidiasis infections. These types of infections can cause irritating white patches to develop inside the mouth, which can make denture use unbearable. 

If you notice white patches in your mouth that bleed easily, see your dentist. You may need to take a course of anti-fungal medications or use an anti-fungal oral rinse to help get rid of your infection. Working with your physician on maintaining tight control over your blood glucose levels may help reduce the risk for developing oral infections related to your diabetes.

If you are unable to wear your dentures because of gum or jaw pain, see both your dentist and physician. When the above health conditions are recognized and treated early on, the risk for complications and discomfort may be greatly reduced. It might be necessary for you to stop wearing your dentures for a couple of weeks in order for your oral tissues to heal before you are able to comfortably wear them again. Contact a professional in your area, like Patrick M Pitts, for more information.
