4 Critical Dental Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

Some people only visit a dentist when they have severe tooth issues like excessive pain and broken teeth. While these are genuine issues that need an urgent dental appointment, they're not the only ones. There are other less obvious symptoms that are just as critical and should never be ignored because they indicate bigger underlying teeth problems. Schedule a dental appointment if you experience any of the symptoms below. 

Bleeding Gums

There is cause for concern if you notice blood on your toothbrush every time you floss or brush. A bleeding gum can be a sign of gingivitis. If gingivitis isn't treated in time, it causes periodontitis, a serious infection accompanied by loose or falling teeth. 

Your gum can also bleed when you have inflammation in the mouth. Inflammation is a serious problem that can cause other diseases like stroke, atherosclerosis, heart disease, and erectile dysfunction. A diagnosis by a dentist is needed to determine the cause of the bleeding.  

Bad Breath

Do you have bad breath even after flossing, brushing, and scraping your tongue? Generally, bad breath is caused by gum disease or an untreated infection in the gum or cavity. It could also signify other underlying health conditions like diabetes, kidney disorder, liver disease, or respiratory tract infection. 

Apart from the health risks involved, bad breath can cause you great embarrassment. Your friends may interpret it as a sign of bad oral hygiene. Hence, you need to call your dentist as soon as possible for a professional assessment. Depending on your problem, they may recommend mouth rinses, antibacterial toothpaste, or advanced treatments for gingivitis and other diseases. 

Chronic Dry Mouth

Sufficient production of saliva is essential to maintain your gum's health and prevent teeth decay. You aren't producing enough saliva if you're suffering from a dry mouth. This may indicate deeper health issues like salivary gland disease, diabetes, or autoimmune disorders. 

Luckily, your dentist has likely handled multiple issues of dry mouth in their dental practice. They'll recommend the methods you can use to restore moisture. If your mouth is dry due to deeper health issues, they can refer you to other qualified health care providers. 

Increased Teeth Sensitivity

If you experience sensitivity or pain every time you drink hot or cold beverages or eat certain foods, that may be highly inconvenient. The sensitivity could be caused by a decaying tooth, grinding of teeth, or even brushing your enamel too hard. 

Whatever your reason is, a dentist will recommend the most appropriate treatment. It could be a simple treatment like showing you how to avoid grinding of teeth or an advanced one like removing a decaying tooth and filling the space. 
