Tips For A Successful Implant Procedure

Getting an implant to replace a missing tooth is exciting because it feels like you will be getting your old smile back.  At the same time, you want to do everything possible to ensure that the implant procedure goes as smoothly as possible. The following  tips will ensure you are on the right track. Tip 1: Schedule a periodontal cleaning A full perio cleaning is much more thorough than just a normal dental cleaning.

3 Things To Do Before Having Your Dental Crown Made

If you are in the process of getting a dental crown, then there are a few things that you should do before the crown is actually made. This article will discuss 3 of these things in more detail. Have Your Teeth Cleaned When you get your dental crown made and put into place, you want to make sure that your surrounding teeth, gums, and your mouth in general is healthy. This places the crown in a healthy environment, which is the best way to ensure that the placement is successful.

Are Your Wisdom Teeth Impacted?

If you are between the ages of 17 and 25, you may find yourself in the need of dental care to remove your third molars or wisdom teeth. This is very often because they have begun to come in and stopped, or they may be positioned at an awkward angle or position. But many people, have to have their wisdom teeth removed because they have become impacted. What is impaction and what can be done?

What Are The Different Types Of Dental Bridges?

Dental bridges are used to replace missing teeth and fill in the gaps between healthy teeth. Dental bridges may be made of a variety of different types of metal, porcelain, or a porcelain covered metal. Metal bridges are generally stronger than porcelain, but porcelain bridges are often preferred because they look more like the natural teeth. There are currently three different types of dental bridges available that are used to improve the appearance of your smile.

Crossbite? Here's A Look At Your Treatment Options

A crossbite occurs when several of your teeth do not line up properly. Often, this is a condition that you are born with and it is diagnosed when you are a child or teen. However, there are other times when a crossbite can develop later in life as a result of trauma or changes in your bone structure as you age. In either case, it's important to address the issue since it can otherwise lead to difficulty chewing, jaw pain, and abnormal wear on the tooth enamel.